
IASP’s value-added services offer our members the competitive edge they need to grow and succeed

Knowledge sharing
From the high quality of our members come our most important assets:

We create and maintain the channels through which all this knowledge circulates and peer to peer collaboration happens.

IASP communities create further opportunities for international collaboration within specific fields, and build working groups under the global IASP umbrella. Rather than starting from scratch, they are a smart way of bringing together smaller groups of people with a common interest within our already established and well-known organisation. Flexibility is vital in a rapidly changing world, and IASP communities provide the ideal environment for members to adapt by focusing on emerging sectors and topics with trusted partners.

Women in IASP

Is one such group, offering women in our industry networking opportunities and a dedicated platform to share knowledge and experience.

The Strategigram© is a software tool that enables STP managers to analyse their park’s strategy, assess its evolution and compare it to other parks’ strategic profiles. It is also used as a tool to define the most suitable strategic model in the planning of new parks. The Strategigram© is available exclusively to IASP members.

A Strategigram© for innovation districts is under development.

The IASP logo is the best accreditation for science parks, AOIs, districts and other innovation spaces. It means that our members meet the highest standards of our industry and are recognised as world class projects.

  • Listed in our e-directory (public and members-only editions)
  • The right to use “member of IASP” logo
  • Annual membership certificate
  • The right to attend and speak at the IASP General Assembly
  • The right to vote and eligibility for IASP Governing Bodies (Full members only)
  • Member-only discounts on IASP conferences & seminars and Knowledge Room purchases
  • Eligibility to enter IASP programmes and awards
  • International visibility via IASP news and social media
  • Free live access to all IASP knowledge- sharing webinars
  • Strategigram©, performance evaluator and other tools
  • Access to our exclusive member’s area with full directory to reach peers, manage your profile, view on-demand conference talks and more

Together with all of these services as standard, we also provide other tailor-made services for members, including intensive training courses and consultancy services.