The leading association of innovation communities worldwide

Our mission is to be the global network for science and technology parks (STPs), innovation districts (IDs), areas of innovation (AOIs) and other innovation spaces, driving growth, internationalisation and effectiveness for our members.

What we do

Who we are

Areas of innovation (AOIs)

hybrid spaces for sustainable development

‘Areas of innovation are places designed and curated to attract entrepreneurial-minded people, skilled talent, knowledge-intensive businesses and investments, by developing and combining a set of infrastructural, institutional, scientific, technological, educational and social assets, together with value-added services, thus enhancing sustainable economic development and prosperity with and for the community.

There are many different models of areas of innovation - spanning from the broader city or region model with innovation activities in different locations within the area, to more place-specific projects like innovation districts, knowledge quarters, innovation hubs and the like. As a common feature they all have a management team tasked to execute a strategy conductive to growing innovation activity in the area.

Science and technology parks (STPs)

hybrid spaces for sustainable development

Science parks are organisations managed by specialised professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of their community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of their associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions.
To reach these goals, science parks stimulate and manage the flow of knowledge and technology amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies and markets; facilitate the creation and growth of innovation-based companies through incubation and spin-off programmes; and provide other value-added services as well as high quality space and facilities.

The expressions “technology park”, “technopole”, “research park” and “science park” encompass a broad concept and are interchangeable within this definition.

Taxonomy study

A “Taxonomy of Organised Innovation Spaces (OISs)”,  a study from the Joint Research Centre (JRC), explores the need for common terminology around innovation entities and ecosystems, as well as intermediary actors. 

This new term, OISs, serves as an umbrella name for science parks, areas of innovation, innovation districts, incubators, and other such innovation ecosystems.

This taxonomy was published in October 2023 and is authored by former IASP Director General Luis Sanz along with IASP Think Tank experts Magnus Klofsten and Paul Jensen, and IASP member Jacques van Dinteren.